HOME : Contact: Andrew Shecktor, Shecktor Enterprises, Inc. 1308 Fairview Ave., Berwick, PA 18603 PH 570-752-2434 :
Samples of my artwork. All images CR Shecktor Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Ocracoke Light. Oil on canvas board. 2008.
Spirits - Oil on canvas.2008.
Our House. Watercolor on paper. 2008.
Isle Of Rugen. Oil on canvas board. 2008
Current venues - The Children's Museum in Bloomsburg, PA with North Mountain Art League exhibit - Through the end of 2010.
Exhibit of 12 paintings at the Multi County Abstract Company, 21 East Main Street, Bloomsburg, PA from 6/11/2010 through 8/13/2010. Kimberly Shecktor from 7/9/2010 through 9/10/2010 (Photoshop Art)